HBO's documentary lineup for the first half of 2017

 Source: HBO Press Release 

Source: HBO PR

HBO had announced last weekend (Jan. 14) on what their lineup for the first half of 2017 is looking like for documentary enthusiasts. It's definitely a lineup for those looking for thought-provoking television as well as a deeper understanding of our world's current and past state.

So here's the lineup from January through March:
"Beware the Slenderman"- Jan. 23
"Becoming Warren Buffett"- Jan. 30
"Solitary: Inside Red Onion State Prison"- Feb. 6
"Eagles of Death Metal: Nos Amis (Our Friends)"- Feb. 13
"Unlocking the Cage"-Feb. 20
"Tickled"-Feb. 27
"Cries from Syria"-March 13

Here's a list of more documentaries to look forward to in 2017:
"Abortion: Stories Women Tell"
"Brillo Box (3 Off)"
"For the Love of Baltimore"
"If You're Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast"
"Mommy Dead and Dearest"
"The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble" 
"Rock and a Hard Place"

So to learn more about times and dates, check out HBO's schedule here. 

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